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posted May 10, 2022

2022 Iowa House of Representative pages take a group photo in Des Moines.
Grant Pedersen and other 2022 Iowa House of
Representative Pages

Cardinal student Grant Pedersen spent the last few months as a page for the 2022 Iowa House of Representatives! Read about his experience through his Q & A below. 

How did you get involved in the program?

I got involved in the program when I heard about the opportunity from my dad (Cardinal Superintendent Joel Pedersen) who had known about the program for several years beforehand. I interviewed in November, found out I got the job, and started this January 2022. No one from Cardinal to my knowledge has done the program since the '90s, so I was excited to know that I would be able to bring my new and different experiences back to Cardinal in order to tell other students that if you put your mind to it you can do any program, job, or service you may want to do.

What did you learn?

Being able to be so close to the action in our government has provided me with an invaluable experience of what really goes on in our government. I have learned what different legislature terms, rules, and norms mean; which I believe will allow me to be even more active and involved in my local community and government than if I didn't do this job and see what it's like to actually be inside the system.

Overall, this job is pretty much a hands-on government class, and I would recommend this program to anyone who has an interest in our history and government.

Do you want to work in government in the future?
I'll probably just have to wait and see what the future holds for if I will work in government in the future.

What has been your favorite aspect of the program?

My favorite aspect of the program would be just being able to work in the grandness of the capitol building. Also, another favorite page program activity was that every Monday we did a class called "Lunch and Learn" where our supervisors brought in a different government-related employee to talk to us and do Q & A sessions. Different speakers included the Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig, Governor Kim Reynolds, the Capitol Restorative Painters team, lobbyists, and the Chief Clerk of the House Meghan Nelson.

How has the program benefitted you so far?

This program has given me so much in just the short last few months I have done it. I have benefited greatly from my new knowledge about government and how our system works which will allow me to be more involved in the future when it comes to government-related activities.

I have also had the honor of being able to meet, interact, and learn from the great people who run and work for our system including representatives, senators, sergeant-at-arms, clerks, and other government employees. I and the other pages even got to have a private meeting with Governor Reynolds where she let us ask any questions about her and her job. Overall, this program has greatly benefited me by allowing me to make new connections, learn new knowledge, and create great friendships with the other pages.

What would you say to younger students considering the program?
For younger students considering the program, I would say that they should definitely do it. The only thing you should be prepared for is that you still have to do classes during that time, so you may be pretty busy with schoolwork still.

Nevertheless, if you just put a little extra work in you can get it done. Also, the program gives one credit in social studies in order to help fill your requirements and lessen the workload.

Interested in applying for the page program next year? Contact Michelle Edwards, our high school counselor.

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Cindy Green -
Middle School Principal/Director of Curriculum & Instruction, Equity Coordinator
4045 Ashland Rd.
Eldon, IA 52554
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